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Principali parassitosi negli allevamenti di Camelidi sudamericani



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46. Santana J, Martínez A, Soulés A, Milicevic F, Cafrune M, Larroza M, Robles C. Parasitic hepatitis by Lamanema chavezi in guanacos (Lama guanicoe) slaughtered in the Province of Santa Cruz, Argentina; Rev. med. vet., 2020; 101(1):3-9.

47. Sarre C, Claerebout E, Vercruysse J, Levecke B, Geldhof P, Pardon B, Alvinerie M, Sutra JF, Geurden T. Doramectin resistance in Haemonchus contortus on an alpaca farm in Belgium; Vet Parasitol., 2012; 185:346-51.

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50. VanHoy G, Marsh AE, Carman MK. Parasitology In: Niehaus AJ. Medicine ans Surgery of Camelids; Wiley-Blackwell, Iowa, USA, 2022; 174-223.



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